
Today's patreon post is on domestic labor at the Malatir court.

Next update May 27th.

Hoy en patreon hablamos del trabajo doméstico en la corte de los Málatir. 

Siguiente capítulo el 27 de Mayo

2 thoughts on “3.2

  1. damn so that’s just well-documented public knowledge? I’m interested to hear more about how that all works in this society and with these people.

    1. Next update is gonna give some idea of the general attitude. I don’t know about “well-documented”, but it’s an open secret lmfao yeah. I mean this is his wife so she knows for sure. In general, Marsilans are tolerant but kind of disdainful of homosexuality, it’s a “vice” like drinking or gambling. Obviously this /specific/ relationship has other layers to it tho jaja

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